stupid giddy
i like you best in a tee shirt
but i need you to get serious
serious sexy not serious singular
pulled together
everything you’ve ever wanted but i can never
read your mind so your guess is as good as
wish i could be more
not “losing sleep” but can’t find it when i need
like a lone sock
rotted tangerine underneath the car seat
oranger than i could ever dream
i don’t think that’s our conversations would
align anymore but maybe in the future
late checkout
did i miss my window? my rolling stop?
i was a good tumbler but that was about it
no i didn’t play basketball or volleyball and
i’m glad that you didn’t ask too
is it ok that things are different now?
everything? really?
maybe my new thing could be pushing buttons
until i fall asleep
or finding someone brave enough to tell
me what to do
hm also sexy
and they have to love and care for me and i
have to know it but it’s so deep down that who
really knows. not me!
but we have to work for it. and not just me
that’s not fair but you too. make it count
god fucking damn it dammit damnit
and THEN i need someone to take a long hard
look at my scalp and hair follicles
and tell me what to do and how to fix it but
only if they’re serious
im sick of doing it alone

i hate that gay songs make me think of you
i’m not joking
bean salad
new friends who feel like old friends who feel
like a hunk of me
don’t think about it
it’s all gonna work out it always does
i should take my own advice but who does
where will i be at come
what WOULD i do if i saw you
i guess we’ll never know but we probably will
making a sandwich out of the day
separate by hairs
take a rubbing

when does new grow old and will i ever be caught?
yeah i think it’s really cool we became close
do think about it nearly every single day

monday, december 4th
soft lottery
beautiful residue
interpreted suitcase
getting and x-ray
chance encounters w/
i’m soaking this all
up like a sponge
offset moreso
upset underdog
riddled with hangnails
stripes and borders
margins, chunky
ribbed ridges roving
inquiry about residuals
double sided
flip on the long side
cooking wine
i like things that aren’t used
for their intended purpose
their full potential
don’t worry, i’ll cook it out
rendered, fully
i won’t forget
yes your kid can have it
hell, the dog too!
like the first pancake
just practice

walk 9/19
i bought gloves in my dream last night
and i wish they were real
maybe it’s a premonition?
up early enough that the sky is beautiful
a lot of the colors changed while i was gone
thinned out a bit too
dog buffer
turn around in the garden
if i had a fear of bridges (which if i
think hard enough yes i do) this is the
way i’d get over it
like a hill
rewarded with the prettiest house in
the world 233 groveland avenue
long soft shadow at the finish line

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